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- lofan
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(Quote) I am learning that is why I am here or I would not waste my time on forums and just hire some body and enjoy my summer and buying more rams , giving up cpanel all these are not the purpose of me finding this forum and asking questions . I am…
(Quote) Yes it impacts my site and I use cpanel because it is easier for me to manage it , I am not server admin.
(Quote) But this is my cnf https://pastebin.com/raw/68hch9sq It is not for any customer , Just 1 domain Where in CNF does it permit ram be used that much? How can I correct this?
(Quote) Are you out of your mind ? LOL :p
(Quote) Oversea calls? Better to save the money for other services?
(Quote) Thanks, Now the load average is OK but just for ref https://pastebin.com/raw/2LUkzesr Does it give you any idea?
(Quote) Oh , You are a humble man. I am sorry for misunderstanding. Thanks.
(Quote) I really understand your point . I know this is not just making a few changes in whm , some tweaks but that guy who suggested go and buy a book :) makes me speechless. What about MySQLTuner will that do any help?
(Quote) You are smart . I am impressed at your inteligence :)
(Quote) 4 core SSD 12 gig ram centos 7 cpanel with whm, Xen
Just dump them . Problem solved
(Quote) Why not ? why yes? LOL
(Quote) Suggesting me to read a book? LOL
Well I start with saying confidently that my DB needs to be optimizad and I was wondering for along time how to do that perhaps I should have started a thread with that subject :)
(Quote) OK let's say it is mysql
(Quote) Thanks for reply . I need that for my personal use